The Public-Private Test Project Is On Mental Health

KUCHING: Hock Seng Lee (HSL) today made public an ongoing six-month long collaboration with the Health Ministry on a mental health outreach programme.
The collab started three months ago with the setting up of an outreach centre at La Promenade Mall, along the Kuching-Samarahan Expressway.
Medical professionals and volunteers from the Sentosa Hospital have been running a three-times a week clinics at HSL’s community mall.
The programme is under the Health Ministry’s Mentari Malaysia initiative, which seeks to improve outreach and re-integration of people with mental challenges.
La Promenade was selected as the ministry wanted to reach the Samarahan, which has a population of about 200,000.
HSL is expanding the collaboration with the ministry. Another outreach centre will be set up at HSL’s Eden Centre 3, which is along the Pan Borneo Highway, near Padawan.
“The company has long been a supporter of community matters under our CSR programme called ‘Healthy Bodies, Happy Minds’,” said senior corporate communications manager Jennifer Tang.
“Many of us in HSL come from humble origins and all of us have benefitted from a helping hand at some point in our lives. Our CSR efforts are based on that belief. We like to keep the virtuous cycle moving along.”
Frequent HSL collaborator, social media influencer Ngek Tsai, is a proud supporter.
"HSL deserves applause for supporting mental health. The company is walking the talk on its aims to support community matters. Mentari is an outreach programme that will greatly benefit society in more ways than one. Mental health is so important.
"Over a year ago, I did a video to promote HSL's CSR efforts. I highlighted Helping Hands Penan, Sarawak Women for Women Society, Hope Place, and more -- all NGOs that HSL is housing for free at La Promenade.
"I am proud to be associated with HSL."
On Saturday, the company, hosted a “Community Matters” event to support all the NGOs it hosts for free at La Promenade.
The charities gave talks and did exhibitions on HIV awareness, domestic violence, gender equality and rural craft.
For details and updates, search @hslcn and @lapromenademall on Facebook and Instagram.