The Sarawak Open – Bonsai & Suiseki Championship, organised by the Sarawak Bonsai Association and sponsored by Hock Seng Lee (HSL), takes place from Sept 3 to 9 at La Promenade Mall.
With 120 entries and international judges, this year's event is bigger than ever.
The mid-year timing ensures the trees are in full bloom, showcasing the best of Sarawak's Bonsai from across the region.
Here are the media highlights:
DayakDaily, Sept 2
La Promenade Mall will host the 3rd edition of the Sarawak Open - Bonsai & Suiseki Championship from Sept 3 to 9.
The organiser, Sarawak Bonsai Association (SBA), revealed at least 120 entries have been received. The association is running the championship with the sponsorship of Hock Seng Lee (HSL).
New Sarawak Tribune, Sept 2
The event will showcase a “Suiseki” exhibit celebrating ancient Japanese and Chinese stone appreciation traditions and visitors can enjoy free masterclasses conducted by international bonsai experts.
The Borneo Post Online, Sept 3
Sarawak Bonsai Association (SBA) president Johnson Jong also expressed his gratitude to Hock Seng Lee (HSL) for the group’s unwavering support in the art of Bonsai in Sarawak.
Utusan Borneo, Sept 2
Kejohanan kali ini akan menyaksikan empat anugerah besar akan disampaikan, dengan panel penilai terdiri daripada pakar daripada Persatuan Bonsai dan Suiseki Malaysia (MBSS) dan persatuan Sarawak.
Dua pakar bonsai dari Taiwan iaitu Zhang Yong Shou dan Xu Rong Chang akan menyertai panel kehakiman tahun ini serta Rudi Julianto dan Budi Sulistyo dari Indonesia juga merupakan antara panel juri yang terlibat.
BorneoTalk, Sept 2
Bonsai lovers are welcome to check out the free exhibition at La Promenade Mall, which features trees ranging from miniatures under a foot to XL trees several metres tall.
Sin Chew Daily, Sept 3